Nicole Hollenkamp Portrait Studio | Portrait Studios Near Me | Newborn and Maternity Portraits

Baby in daddy's arms

I am so excited to have a portrait studio near downtown Princeton MN.

Nicole Hollenkamp Portrait Studio

I have been busy planning, purchasing samples, grooming my sample images, designing signage and moving ALL THE PROPS. I have collected so many over the years. My kiddos helped us move in the early morning in an attempt to help us avoid the harsh heat of a 90+ degree day. Then we took them for smoothies and lunch.

We will be opening in July for a soft opening with a grand opening event on August 7th from 11am until 1 pm. There will be a drawing for some amazing prizes. Be sure to stop by. Mark it in your calendar and come with your questions and to see our sample display products as well as take a tour of the amazing new studio space!

Unlimited Cuteness Newborn Photography

Super chunky baby love

I am taking bookings now at a discounted rate for the new studio as well as running a model call. 

I am so excited to post updates as the day draws near.

So bring your babies and let’s create some amazing portraits for you to remember this time.

Parent Poses

Posing baby with parents is always a timeless and beautiful way to capture their tininess

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Nicole Hollenkamp